FULL – Call 2024/2025 Louka – center of leisure time

Information about ESC vacancy 2024/2025 in Louka – Centre of Leisure Time


Receiving and coordinating organization: 

Luzanky – Centre of Leisure Time (SVC Luzanky)

OID: E10146786

Accreditation: 2021-1-CZ01-ESC50-094574

Website in English: https://solidaritycorps.luzanky.cz/ 

Website of Luzanky: https://www.luzanky.cz/


Duration of activity: 12 months


Beginning of activity: 15/09/2024

End of activity: 14/09/2025


Contact person (ESC coordinator): Hana Klenovská   

Phone Nr: +420 724 200 131

Email: evs.assistant@luzanky.cz


Selection process: 

Please choose the ESC placement you are interested in, you will find descriptions on our website here https://solidaritycorps.luzanky.cz/category/calls-2022/ and fill in the google form https://forms.gle/WjjXJVYTDtCfvSX18 to apply for the ESC. Attention – in the google form you will be asked to answer around 5 questions where you will describe your motivation for that particular ESC placement, so be ready the filling of the google form might take you some time. You will be asked to attach your CV and motivation letter as well. 

Deadline for applications is 20th of April 2024

If you have any questions, please contact us at evs.assistant@luzanky.cz  

If you are chosen to the second round of selection, be ready for a video call interview during April. The results will be known in the end of April/beginning of May 2024. Kindly note only the volunteers selected for the second round will be informed about the results. Thank you for understanding!  


Description of the workplace

What is Louka? Louka is a branch of Lužanky’s leisure centers that organize all sorts of free time activities for people living in or near the Vinohrady district in Brno. It is a place where children can spend their time after school by doing something purposeful. It has several departments with different focus where young people do sports, play various music instruments,  make crafts, a place where mothers can train with their babies and where families meet.

What is Louka’s work focused on? Louka specializes in art, sport, dancing, languages, music, cooking and other activities. Louka’s aim is to provide the whole range of activities for all age groups from toddlers, preschoolers, school children to university students or retirees.


What are you going to do in Louka? Louka is looking for a volunteer who generally likes to work with small children as well as with teenagers.
Volunteer that would work mainly in drawing, painting, graphic and ceramic classes. We expect the volunteer to help us with various art workshops. It is okay if you have other interests like sport or cooking etc. You will also be involved in organizing various summer camps for children. 

Why would we like you to work with us? Because we are searching for a versatile, playful and cheerful person to join us and enrich our team with new and fresh ideas from their country!
We prefer a volunteer who generally likes to work with children and has a positive attitude.


The time schedule of the volunteer:

30 hours weekly: 

  • 20 hours of work for Louka (art classes, kindergarten help, activities, educational programs for schools, help with planning and organizing public events etc.) 
  • 2 hours meetings with coordinator and other ESC-ers – time you spent with your ESC coordinator discussing your work and planning the future events, projects etc. 
  • Up to 3 hours Czech language class/ studying at home 
  • Up to 5 hours for your Mini project – time you spend on preparing your own mini project which can be anything you would like to do from organizing an art exhibition, having a course of your language at our working place etc. 

If you are interested in becoming a support teacher at our classes and joining a cheerful Louka crew, apply for our ESC!



  1. Why did you choose Louka for your volunteer work?
  2. What is your motivation to work with children? With what age group of children would you like to work the most?
  3. Are you interested in using art  methods while working with children? If you have, please describe your experiences in this field.
  4. What would you like to gain from your Solidarity corps volunteering project?
  5. What area are you good at and would like to share your knowledge and experience with others? 


General description of volunteering project in Luzanky:

There are 8 ESC volunteers working at different places on individual projects, meeting every week on common meetings with the coordinator and from time to time with all the colleagues to evaluate and plan the project. Luzanky hosts and coordinates ESC volunteers also  in other organizations (focused on environmental education, preschool education  etc.), so all hosted and coordinated volunteers will meet during the project and can visit workplaces and events of each other. 

The volunteers work also together with the coordinator on tasks connected with their integration into Luzanky and presentation of their presence in our organization. Those tasks will be mainly related to the promotion of Solidarity corps program. 

Volunteers can visit some of the courses and events organized by Luzanky for free (circus training for adults, ceramics etc.). 

The organization will host only volunteers older than 18 years old.


Days off and holidays: volunteers have 2 days a week free + 2 days per month of vacation. While working occasionally on weekends they have extra days off during the week. 

Allowances: Volunteers get their pocket money and food allowance monthly (at the beginning of each month), and they are provided with a card for Brno public transport. 

Accommodation: Volunteers live in rented flats (not in the centre of the city), it can happen that two volunteers will share one room. There will be 4 volunteers in the flat with 3-4 bedrooms. There is no living room, only common space/eating area  in the kitchen. Distance to your working place from the flat can be around 30 minutes by public transport, even a bit more. Getting affordable accommodation in Brno is very difficult in recent years, so please be ready for described conditions of accommodation if you apply for our project. The advantage for you is that you will stay in quite a big city, which offers cultural and other events for young people, some even in English or other languages.